Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I used to call the preaching of Joel Osteen’s “feel good preaching" or the style "feel good theology”.  He would preach about being right with God and being financially prosperous if you were right with God.  God makes no such promise.  He clearly states that our reward is in heaven and is well worth waiting for.  These feel good pastors spread the dangerous theology that if we follow Gods will we will be rewarded here on earth and that isn’t true.  Bad things will happen to the greatest of Christian people.  God isn’t punishing us, he may just be testing us, he may be testing someone else.  We do not know his will.

Being critical of this theology I realized I was really wrong as well.

I was wrong, being a Christian does feel good, it gives true peace happiness and love.  It does not make one perfect (I'm writing this on 6 beers) but while here on earth it is the closest thing one can hope for.

I now call this type of preaching lies. 

Beware of millionaire pastors
On Facebook I follow many of the conservative talking heads, The Blaze,  Chicks on the Right  to name a few.

I find it funny how both of these pages come to the support of known liberals when other liberals attack them.  Well maybe not funny but ironic.  For example, Ellen Degeneres hosted the oscars last week and make a great joke about Liza Minnelli.  Gays, transgenders and all other extremely sensitive groups took offense.  Both the above sites came to her defense saying it was funny.

The one thing progressive lefties can not agree upon is what level of sensitivity is deemed insensitive.

Progressive libbies no matter if they agree with conservatives would ever say a nice word about them, or ever come out in support of a known conservative even if they agree.