Friday, February 28, 2014

I have made some movement into my investigation into convenient stores and why they have two distinctive cash registers in their stores.  I have wondered what the scam was and why they ask "credit or debit" and then choose the register.  Today I frequented a store and the attendant gave me a little insight.  They were busy and she asked me "credit or debit", I said debit and she sighed and ran it on the machine that is typically just for credit.  A long line on both registers remind you.  I said "I didn't know that this register would run debit".  She said that it will and that the reason is the owner tells them to only use the other register if at all possible for debit.  She went on to say that the company that provided the fuel, Shamrock, Exxon, Texaco etc. looks at all transactions that go through that terminal that is typically used for credit.  I assume they take a piece of the pie.  So ladies and gentlemen that is possibly one reason why convenient stores have two registers for different payment methods.

I was guessing taxes or something.

I have known for some time that something fishy was going on, so once I know which register is which I always try to use debit on the "credit" register.  I like to see them act like the machine is down, or say it isn't working on that machine.  I now call their B.S.

What a way to live, lie everyday to hundreds of people, and make your place of business smell like a nursing home.

Twice in the past two days I have heard democrat friends say that they support drug testing for welfare.  That brings up a couple of questions, 1.  Why has it taken so long to implement, 2.  Is anyone against this?

Seems like we really should cling to the things we agree on.  Hey we agree on SOMETHING!

I don't have the same feelings to people who dodge taxes than I used to.

Comparing Gays to Civil rights is absolutely ridiculous.  It just reinforces my theory that Libs need a wounded group of people to install fear and sympathy.  Replenishing their voting ranks.

Having said that It isn't very Christian to deny services to the gay.  Christians do not deny service to prostitutes, drug addicts, and thieves.  In the eyes of God a sin is a sin.  We are the ones that list and rate sin.

God did not intend for "sin is a sin in the eyes of God" to diminish the (little sins) but to express that telling a little white lie is as bad in his eyes as murder.

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