Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I want my 12 year old boy to fail. I want him to loose and I want him to learn from those experiences. I want him to know it sucks to loose, and most importantly I want him to learn that he can fight that and work hard to prevent it. I also want him to win after he has earned it. Winning and not earning it will lead him to the Democrats. They love giving stuff to people that have not earned it. I want him to win and loose with dignity. After he learns that I want him to be able to equate that with life. I never want him to cheat, lie or take shortcuts.

I see parents doing so much for their kids, carrying their sports bags, backpacks, everything but playing the sport for them. What does that do for the child? Life is still present even after a loss or a win. I see parents carrying the kids bags after a loss like they are fragile little dolls that can't muster the energy to carry a 15lb bag because they are SO upset after a loss. Boo Hoo, you lost, move on and get over it. I bet that kid has the energy to play video games when he gets home. Kids need to know that no matter what there will be chores, rules and stuff that has to be done even after a bad game or bad day. That's life. I want the boy to know that sports are important for building character but they are just a game. Life is real and in life no one is going to carry your bag after a bad day.

I am always trying to find the happy median of giving him sports instruction. I want to teach him and I want him to learn, but I also want him to learn things on his own. I want him to be independent and be a problem solver in all walks of life. He will not learn that if I am always right there to assist him. But I will be there for him. We each learn different, I can tell him how I did it but it will not be the same for him. I try to give him the basics and let him figure out the rest. I then try to impress on him the importance of repetition. I try to keep an eye on him and make sure he isn't learning wrong. It is hard not to stand there and give every sports pointer known to man but him learning on his own is hours of practice he is getting. Plus I have learned if I am there working with him practice will not be nearly as long as when he is by himself. We all have different paces. I am learning more than he is.

People who want bigger government suck! They apparently do nothing in life but bitch and complain. Bureaucracy is killing this country. Any active business person, business owner or active employee knows this. So apparently the people that want more government don't do JACK. Otherwise they would see the BS that I and many others have to deal with.

I love the show HOMELAND. It being a cable show there are few episodes a season and I seem to be always wanting more. A good sign of a tv show. Another show The Americans is a close second. I fills the void when Homeland is not on. I highly recommend watching both.
House of cards, American or British versions.

And of course The Walking Dead. Pure greatness, probably my favorite.

Wife likes Downton Abbey. Not bad, not bad at all.

Also Justified

I love Jesus, my wife and family, Texas, and beer.

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